Configuration Templates with Python and Mako

Configuration Templates with Python and Mako

I’ll like to discuss the Mako Template Engine and the integration to the Network Configuration Generator in this post. The initial Use Case for the Web service includes the following requirements: dynamically detection of configuration variables, control structures within the templates and the bulk generation of configuration data.
Overview about the Flask web framework

Overview about the Flask web framework

I’ll like to provide a quick overview about the Flask microframework and the associated modules and libraries that I used during the development of the Network Configuration Generator. There are many tutorials out there on “how to develop a Flask application”, therefore I will limit the code examples to a minimum in this post. I’ll focus on the resources that I’ve used for learning.
Jupyter: an interactive web-based Python shell

Jupyter: an interactive web-based Python shell

I like to write about a tool today, that I used since several months to write python code for some smaller tasks: Jupyter. It provides a web-based python environment running on your local machine or on a server. This is very useful from my perspective to get started with python programming, play with new libraries and share scripts.